Xin Li


Xin Li is a concept artist based in Los Angeles. He graduated from San Francisco High School of the Arts and then spent three years studying at ArtCenter. He currently works as concept artist and background illustrator for New Realm Studios, where he takes ideas and develops high-quality creations, which include characters, environments, and animation background painting. He has worked as character illustrator for the YouTube channel, 我來說西遊 and has taught at AFA Arts for All. In 2019, he participated in the ArtCenter Entertainment Design Spring Intern-Show 2019, where he received an offer to work with Foxnext Games.  

Xin Li inspired by a range of artists such as John Park, Jaime Jones, Daniel Simon, Steven Messing, and Craig Mullins. He uses Adobe Photoshop and Maya to create work that is atmospheric and cinematic, drawing the viewer into the magical, surreal, and futuristic worlds inhabited by his
many characters. 



Instagram: @lixin3393_art