Nayoung Kim


Nayoung Kim is a digital artist and illustrator currently residing in Seoul, South Korea.

She has completed training at an art academy and also began studies at university with a major in animation. However, she found that the curriculum of her university was not creative enough, so she decided to drop out of her course and has been enjoying the freedom to explore her creativity and drawing styles since.

Nayoung frequently seeks out new and old animations, novels and movies produced by artists she admires to inspire her work. She is also active in her creative community and enjoys going to exhibitions and staying current with the latest online process videos to enhance her skills.

Describing her work, Nayoung says, “My most recent body of work is a composite of photographs and illustrations. I like to use a photograph for the backgrounds of my artwork. I’m careful when selecting the background image that it will work in harmony with my illustrations so that it does not look out
of place. It must always enhance the artwork and not detract from it.”

Nayoung has won two competitions in conjunction with New Zealand’s special effects company Weta Workshop. The winning works ‘Dragon and a painter’ and ‘Resistance’ (featured), have been exhibited throughout Korea.

She is available for commission upon request.



Instagram: @vian_0825

Twitter: @Vian_0825